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If you are looking for our partner company, Defender One Security, please visit
Package Plans
Defensive Tactics
400$- MEB (Expandable Baton) Certification
- Safariland/Hiatt Tactical Handcuff Certification
- Sabre OC Spray Certification
Maryland HQL/Permit
250$- Maryland HQL Class
- Maryland Wear and Carry Class
Defensive Tactics +
1,000$Defensive Tactics + Taser Certification- Includes all of Defensive Tactics
- Taser Certification
OC All Inclusive
150$OC Spray Certification + Gear- OC Spray Certification + OC Spray and Pouch
MEB All Inclusive
250$Includes MEB certification and gear- MEB (Baton) Certification and Baton and Scabbard
Cuff All Inclusive
200$Handcuffs + Handcuffs and Pouch- Handcuff Certification + Pouch
Taser All Inclusive
650$Taser Certification + Taser- Taser Certification + Taser
Plans & Pricing: PaidPlans
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